Total honour 3.669.643.925
Ranking 3
Members 74 / 75 Members
Level Ø 114
Fortune 117.554.939

Guild description

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Welcome to Forum_Gladiatora [F_G]!

We are a for a multicultural guild, and have players from all over the world!
Our only goal is to create a supportive environment for all of our members, develop together and have fun!

If you want to be a part of this unique guild you can message Fulminare, or one of the admins to discuss your application. Please note that applications are open only for players that are level 90+. Exceptions may be made, however you will have to demonstrate steady progress.

Alternatively you can always join our academy Old^SchooL and in time we can discuss your progression to the main guild.


If you wish to join our journey in the [F_G], you must obey the guild`s principles.

Our Promise
(or our Warning - the choice is yours!)
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1. Always remember - This is a game, and we play it to have fun! So keep it fun!
2. Treat your comrades with RESPECT! - or you are OUT!
3. Share your knowledge if you are experienced, if not, ask for advise. We can give you plenty :)
4. If and when, a decision is made by the majority to upgrade a building, donate your share of gold to help with that!
5. Of course DO NOT ATTACK OR OVERBID a mate unless agreed upon (Exception for jackpots. You are free to attack for these without agreement).
6. If you are offline for more than 72h, EXPECT to be attacked by guild mates. Take no offence, just wait your turn ;)
7. If you are inactive for over 7 days without a notice you will be considered inactive. And in 14 days of inactivity you may lose your place in the guild.
8. Finally, it is vital that we can communicate... Thus, you MUST be able to communicate in English even if it is to a basic standard.


What we offer?

1. A fun environment to play in.
2. Our strategic support. We have experienced players who can teach you game tactics ranging from how to boost your skills to how to level up super-fast!
3. Level 20 Training Ground, offering 40% training discount;
4. Level 18 Villa Medici with 7 doctors that can heal 36% of your HP (each);
5. Level 20 Bathhouse, healing 20% of your HP every hour.



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.•'´¯) ¸,ø¤°``°¤ø,¸(¯`'•.¸

02/12/2022 - The guild was established under the name GGSC
03/12/2022 - 10 Players in the Social Club
04/12/2022 - 20 Players in the Social Club
10/12/2022 - 30 Players in the Social Club
25/12/2022 - 40 Players in the Social Club
24/01/2023 - 2,500,000 Collective Fame
04/02/2023 - 250,000,000 Collective Honour
28/02/2023 - 50 Players in the Social Club
01/04/2023 - Best ranking achieved - 4th place - (Then gradually fell to #6)
27/08/2023 - 60 Players in the Social Club
02/11/2023 - 1,000,000,000 Collective Honour
22/11/2023 - The guild merged with Old^School guild and renamed itself as Forum_Gladiatora
02/12/2023 - Celebrating 1 year anniversary!
09/01/2024 - Back to #4 in the server! :)
29/01/2024 - The guild merged with Bulgaria-Power guild
30/01/2024 - 25,000,000 Collective Fame
30/01/2024 - Level 22 Forum. 2nd Highest Level Forum in the Server (shared with two other guilds)
02/02/2024 - The Guild Takes Over #3 Position!
02/02/2024 - Level 23 Forum. Highest Level Forum in the Server (shared with one other guild)
13/02/2024 - 2,500,000,000 Collective Honour
28/03/2024 - The Guild With Highest Total Buildings Level
24/04/2024 - Level 24 Forum. Highest Level Forum in the Server (shared with one other guild)
26/04/2024 - 70 Players in the Social Club
29/04/2024 - 50 Players level 100 and above!



or contact one of our management:

+Castiel+ - Founder & Current Admin
Assaad - Second Master & Current Admin
Fulminare - Third & Current Master
ByJerry - Admin
callmesugarbaby - Admin
MaliPajdo - Admin
Steel - Admin
svn - Admin
Elijah - Admin
Zorz, - Admin
TeRRoR - Admin


1. Phoenix (ex TON618) - Since 04/02/2024 - [R.I.P]
( ಥ_ಥ )
2. Zlobnik - Since 06/02/2024 - [R.I.P]
( ಥ_ಥ )
3. Hardcore! - Since 20/03/2024
4. Ayvamos - Since 08/04/2024

.•'´¯) ¸,ø¤°``°¤ø,¸(¯`'•.¸
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The Guild was found on 2nd December 2022!
Latest update - 01/05/2024

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